Wednesday, February 15, 2017

English Term 2 things to be covered

Term 2 Things to be covered for English for the following 4 books.
You will also receive the hard copies come in Term 2.
Fyi, first.

These information are important, so you will know what are the grammar items to be covered, vocabulary things that you will need to know.

Unit 5: The Hungry Giant

beehive, bees, bommy-knocker, bread, butter, giant, honey, hungry

Uncountable nouns: bread, butter, honey
Contractions: that’s, I’ll
Conjunction: or, so

Word Identification
Initial consonants: g as /j/
Vowels: /ow/ in Ow!, /ee/ in bees
High frequency words: some, or, so, with

Unit 6: The Crocodile Tea

ants, anteater, baboon, bug, crocodile, hippo, lizard, pie, zebra

Punctuation: speech marks
Pronouns: your, we

Answer MCQ and open-ended questions

Word Identification
Initial consonant: /n/ (nine)
Vowels: ee in bees, sweet, tea (revision), i in hive, fine
High frequency words: again, come, door
Rhyming words with numbers

Unit 7: The Giant's Ice Cream

breakfast, lunch, dinner, purple, ice cream, doorway, party, stuck

Contractions: you’re, I’m
Punctuation: hyphen when a two word noun becomes an adjective
‘ice cream’ and ‘ice-cream cone’

Answer open-ended questions

Word Identification
Initial consonants: st (revision)
Vowels: ice, ate, no
Rhyming words: cat/that, stuff/tough

Unit 8: My River

eel, fish, turtle, water beetle, salamander, dragonfly, crayfish, muskrat

Contractions: it’s
Determiner: my, our
Pronouns: mine, everyone

Word Identification
Blends: /gr/, /dr/
High frequency words: whose, where, this, live, too, all

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