Thursday, March 30, 2017

Updates as at 30 March

Updates as at 30 March:

1)   English Spelling booklets and spelling books have been issued out.
There is a change in the Dictation for the very last Spelling. Please note the new change. It is pasted on the hard copy of the Spelling Booklet.

2)   Math file is returned up to Chapter 6, including Review 3.
Please revise. 

Mdm Chan

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Maths updates

Maths updates:

Ordinal Numbers: Placing of numbers
Before: in front
After: behind
Next to: next to

Mdm Chan

Announcement 21 March

Updates as of date:

1) Edusave consolidated forms

2) Siblings for next year's P1 cohort

Please complete the forms and pass it back tomorrow.

Thanks and regards
Mdm Chan

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Spelling Booklet Term 2

Spelling Booklet - Term 2

Please download the soft copy from here.

Mdm Chan

Updates for this week T1W10

Updates on 9 March:

1) Shapes (please complete Page 86, using the stickers which they have brought home.)
This is due in Term 2, when school reopens.
**we are not completing the Performance Task in this chapter.**

2) Fun with Maths (This booklet is for parent-child bonding over the school holidays.) More details, please refer to the other blog post for this.

3) Maths Unit Review 1 Corrections have been completed. The paper will be given out in Term 2, week 1. There is 0 percentage for this unit review. However, this will be a good gauge of how your child has been doing for the first 2 chapters.

4) Pick-and-tell assessment rubrics has been completed. This was done during this week, where students were told to pick an item and talk about the item they selected.  Rubrics will be given out in Term 2.

5) English File -- this file is due for checking, and will be returned in Term 2.
Please note the filing of the worksheets as follows:

LHS (left hand side): Other worksheets apart from Stellar Unit worksheets
RHS (right hand side): Stellar Unit worksheets

Outstanding corrections are marked using the post-it pad. Please complete them when you receive the files back in Term 2.

6) Math File -- this file is due for checking, and will be returned in Term 2.
Please note the filing of the worksheets as follows:

LHS (left hand side): Maths Workbook 1A. Till date, we have filed up to Review 2.
RHS (right hand side): Other worksheets apart from Maths Workbook 1A.
**Please note that worksheet 4C, 4D and 5(Shapes) have not been filed in yet.
Please complete the corrections when you receive the file in Term 2.

Outstanding corrections are marked using the post-it pad. Please complete them when you receive the files back in Term 2.

7) Scheme of Work for Maths in Term 2:

We will be following the following topics in this order:
1) Chp 6 -- ordinal numbers
2) Chp 7 -Numbers up to 20
3) Chp 8 - Addition and Subtraction within 20
4) Chp 9 - Length
We will complete the last topic on Length before we end off in Term 2. 

8) MDPW: (Multi Disciplinary Project Work) -
This will commence in Week 4. We would only have project work during that week for 4 days.
Friday is Good Friday.
The topic is on Pets. (e.g. caring for pets)
More details will be given out shortly in Term 2.
Do note that students will be given access to laptops, and they need to learn how to LOGIN using their userid.

Userid:  T10****** (their birth cert)
Password: Rmps2@17

They will also be using MS Word to type in their findings.
Also, they may need to use Google Chrome to research on this topic.
You may also want to go to the library during the school holidays to research for books on pets.

9) Spelling -- No Spelling during the first week of Term 2. It will start in Week 2, Monday, Term 2.

Have a great holiday.

Best regards
Mdm Chan

Fun with Maths

Dear all

Fun with Maths:
This is a programme which encourages parents to work with your child during this Term 1 holidays.

Please do provide feedback, if there are any for this programme. 

Page 2, Place Value Chart (PV Chart) 

Please leave this out first.  We will be explaining more of this, when we move on to 11 to 20, where 11 = 1 tens and 1 ones, .... 18 = 1 tens and 8 ones. 

Page 3 (Count up to 20) 

As Maths focuses on CPA approach (Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract approach), the placing of the manipulatives on the paper is in fact, the first stage of learning Mathematics. 
**PS: There are only 2 colours for the cubes you have been allocated. Please ignore the white colour cube and regard it as a pink one**

You are encouraged to complete the remaining pages 5 and 6. 

For Page 7, please complete the reflections so you can understand how much you have learnt for this booklet. :) 

Mdm Chan

Monday, March 6, 2017

Announcement 6 March 2017

1) Spelling in Term 2
Pls niote that there is no Spelling in the first week of Term 2.

It will start in week 2.

2) Pick-and-tell:

The rubrics of the pick-and-tell will be given back in Term 2.

Mdm Chan

Scholastic Learning

Dear all,

I have assigned books on Scholastic Learning.
Please do read actively.

URL to login:

Login ID: RMP70***
Password (common): rmps099840

Thanks and regards,
Mdm Chan

Friday, March 3, 2017

Spelling 7/ dictation 6

Monday's Dictation:
Text to be tested: 
Here is a mountain. 
See me ski. 

Mdm Chan

Updates on Friday 3 March

Dear all,

Updates for today:
1) English File cover page: Please sign on the cover page of the English file. Kindly bring it back to school on Monday.

2) Dictation: The passage to be tested is only those underlined words.
Please do not learn everything from the passage.

Cheers and have a great weekend.

Mdm Chan