Monday, April 10, 2017

Updates as at April 10

Updates as at 10 April: 

1) MDPW: Lessons are frozen this week, except for Mother Tongue.
Please come only with your Mother Tongue stuff and story books, recess things, break time snacks, pencil case, colour pencils.

2) Do bring markers, magic pens, construction papers on this Wednesday for the poster.
(If you need them)

3) MRC: Maths Reasoning Carton: I've posted a question for the MRC for this term. Please do take a while to go in and comment on the question. There is no hard deadline. You can do this when you are free.
** IF you need to reset password, please send me a message.. I'll try to reset. If not, I'll ask Mdm Tan to assist.

4) Revise Maths: Chp 3 to Chp 6.
***Maths Language: requires the child to be able to spell: triangle, square, rectange, circle AND
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth (NOT nineth) and tenth. **

5) Maths Speedy Maths: We have completed up to Week 4. Please sign up to Week 4.
**Do take note of the sums especially where there are mistakes in those questions.

6) Spelling -- to continue next Monday 17 April 2017.

Happy Holidays to all.

Mdm Chan

McOnline MRC(Maths Reasoning Communication)

Dear all,

There is an online homework given on McOnline's social learning wall. 

Step 1: Login onto MCOnline.

If you have forgotten your login ID: Please refer to the picture above. 
Please do not forget your password. 
If you have lost, and forgot your password, pls drop me a message, and I'll reset for you on Monday. 

Step 2: Go to My group wall. (on the left hand side)

Click on "2017 P1 Mathematics Reasoning and Communications (Question 8)" 

Step 3: Comment on the question in the PDF file. 
Post your comments accordingly.

If there are still questions, I will be happy to answer them. 

Thanks and regards,
Mdm Chan

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Updates week 3

Dear all,

Updates for this week: 

1) timetable is frozen except for MT (Mother tongue). 
As explained in the class, only Mother tongue lesson will proceed as per normal. There's no Maths, English lesson next week. 

Spelling on this coming Monday (11 April) will be postponed to the following Monday (18 April). 

SBC lesson on Wednesday will resume on 20 April. 

For this MDPW (Multi-Disciplinary Project Work), please do encourage your child to read up on pets and care of pets or go to the library to borrow books on care of pets for next week! 

One of their classmates will bringing in 2 turtles on Monday to share about how she cares for her pet. :) 

The aim of the whole MDPW is not about the end product. Instead, it is abt the process of inquiry, learning to cooperate with others and gaining confidence. They will be working in the groups of 3 and 4 which they have already formed 2 weeks ago. 

Things done as of week 3:

1) Numbers up to 20: we have completed this chapter. 
2) Crocodile's Tea: we have completed this unit's stellar worksheets. 

In week 5, 
Pls revise Maths (chapter 3 to 6). 
Some more Maths worksheets will be returned at the end of next week. As Maths files have been returned last week,   we will not return the Maths files on week 4. Instead, the worksheets will be returned back. 

We will also start on continuous writing on that week in a step-by-step manner. 

Mdm Chan