Friday, February 7, 2025


I refer to the letters “Don’t forget to smell the roses now while saving for retirement” and “Work longer if you can to get more retirement savings” (both Feb 5).

Retirement is a deeply personal decision influenced by various factors, with each family facing unique circumstances when determining the right time to retire. While financial planning is important, there are times when other priorities take precedence.

In my case, I chose to retire early due to family commitments, particularly to care for aged family members. Balancing work and caregiving responsibilities is challenging and often stressful. In such situations, financial considerations may become secondary to ensuring loved ones receive the care and attention they need.

Both writers raised valid points. One emphasised living a meaningful life today, which is reassuring for those without substantial retirement savings. The other suggested working longer to maintain financial stability, a practical approach for those who can.

However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every family must navigate retirement decisions based on their specific circumstances and needs.

Ultimately, retirement is not just about how much one saves or how long one works. It is also about making thoughtful decisions that reflect personal values, family responsibilities, and a sense of purpose in the next phase of life.

Gabriel Chia

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