The Ministry of Education has carefully curated critical core skills, values and concepts related to financial literacy and healthy living and integrated these into the school curricula from the primary level all the way to the pre-university level.
As a former primary school teacher with more than 20 years of experience, I found Singaporean students generally receptive to such lessons. To help them make the connection between the knowledge and its application, schools also design a wide range of programmes and projects for students to apply their learning in meaningful contexts.
I would like to highlight that the real learning and application of financial concepts and healthy living actually happen at home. How families plan and manage their budget and finances, how they value healthy eating and keep up with an active lifestyle at home have a significant impact on the way students perceive the connection between what they learn in school, and their real lives.
I urge parents and grandparents, being the significant adults in the children’s lives, to partner schools to actively promote smart and prudent spending, as well as role-modelling a healthy and balanced lifestyle, right at home. This partnership is a more sustainable approach to inculcating the right attitude and values, so that students will not be confused.
Just as how Ms Ang phrased it, “these two topics should be woven into the fabric of education”, and the fabric of education is definitely beyond just schools alone.
Desiree Tan
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