Friday, February 24, 2017

Homework on 24 February

Homework assigned on 24 February

Please complete Math WS 4A and 4B. To be handed in on Monday, 27 February.
These will also help to revise for the number bonds.

Have a good weekend.

Mdm Chan

Games available in the library

Games in the library:

These are available in the library where they can play during recess.

1. Apples to Apples Junior (noun and adjective game)

2. Word on the Street (letter game)

3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cheese Touch Board Game (involves the use of intuition)

4. Scrabble Junior (involves reading and spelling)

5. Zobmondo (involves the use of questioning techniques)

6. Education Trivia Card Game - Professor Noggin's Wildlife Safari (An educational card games about nature, science, animals, birds, reptiles, history, and geography)

7. Educational Insights Magnetic Sight words and sentence builders (Reinforce sight words in context)
8. Learning Resources Pop for Sight Words Game (involves recognition and reading of sight words -improves fluency as children pick word cards from the popcorn box, and keep all the words they can read correctly)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Updates for files (Week 8)

Updates for files:

These are the following things which will be given out today.  Please note.

Mathematics File:
1) PSLE (Problem Sums booklet 1) have been completed. Please go through and complete corrections, if any.
2) Speedy Maths (First 6 worksheets have been completed. Please sign for each week's practice. )
Complete the corrections as indicated on the cover page.

3) Math Language (FYI for the mathematics language to be used for P1.)

4) Cover Page. Please acknowledge, sign on the corresponding items.

We will complete Chp 4 and 5, by week 10.

As mentioned previously, pls revise for Chp 1 and 2 this weekend.
Do return the Math file next week

Best Regards,
Mdm Chan

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Updates on 22 February

Dear all,

Updates for today:
1)  English Spelling books are given out. Please sign and correct, if necessary.

2)  Maths file will be given back for revision this weekend.
Please revise Chp 1 and 2.
Also, please sign on the contents page for those items that have been given back up to this week.

3)  English Dictation 5 will be given out today.
A soft copy is available here:


I will go to town
on my bulldozer,
my big yellow bulldozer. 

4) Story books have been assigned for reading. Please do access the website.

Mdm Chan

Monday, February 20, 2017

Updates on 20 February

Updates for today:
Please sign and complete the corrections for the worksheets. 

Thanks and regards,
Mdm Chan

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

English Term 2 things to be covered

Term 2 Things to be covered for English for the following 4 books.
You will also receive the hard copies come in Term 2.
Fyi, first.

These information are important, so you will know what are the grammar items to be covered, vocabulary things that you will need to know.

Unit 5: The Hungry Giant

beehive, bees, bommy-knocker, bread, butter, giant, honey, hungry

Uncountable nouns: bread, butter, honey
Contractions: that’s, I’ll
Conjunction: or, so

Word Identification
Initial consonants: g as /j/
Vowels: /ow/ in Ow!, /ee/ in bees
High frequency words: some, or, so, with

Unit 6: The Crocodile Tea

ants, anteater, baboon, bug, crocodile, hippo, lizard, pie, zebra

Punctuation: speech marks
Pronouns: your, we

Answer MCQ and open-ended questions

Word Identification
Initial consonant: /n/ (nine)
Vowels: ee in bees, sweet, tea (revision), i in hive, fine
High frequency words: again, come, door
Rhyming words with numbers

Unit 7: The Giant's Ice Cream

breakfast, lunch, dinner, purple, ice cream, doorway, party, stuck

Contractions: you’re, I’m
Punctuation: hyphen when a two word noun becomes an adjective
‘ice cream’ and ‘ice-cream cone’

Answer open-ended questions

Word Identification
Initial consonants: st (revision)
Vowels: ice, ate, no
Rhyming words: cat/that, stuff/tough

Unit 8: My River

eel, fish, turtle, water beetle, salamander, dragonfly, crayfish, muskrat

Contractions: it’s
Determiner: my, our
Pronouns: mine, everyone

Word Identification
Blends: /gr/, /dr/
High frequency words: whose, where, this, live, too, all

Computer Lesson on 22 February (important)

15 February updates:
This is the website they used for today's touchtyping class. FYI, if you are keen to continue the lesson from here.

For next week computer lesson, they need to prepare a short story about 5 sentences. They will be learning how to type within the MS Word.

Title: My Favourite Fruit.


My favourite fruit is the water-melon.
It is sweet and juicy. It contains Vitamin C.
My mother always buy it for me.
It is a healthy fruit.
I love it very much. 

Mdm Chan

Dictation in Term 2

Dictation for Term 2 Spelling:

3 books will be used:

1) Max by Jo Windsor
There isn't an online version for this book.

2) The Jigaree by Joy Cowley
Please visit the URL below for an online reading:

3) The Giving Tree by Shel SilverStein
This is one of my favourite books of all times.
An inspiring one to read on.   (Spoken by the author himself)

Another version (more suited for young children):

We will be reading these 3 books in class prior to the Dictation.

Thanks and regards
Mdm Chan

Monday, February 13, 2017

Writing skills

Writing skills:

Avoid the over usage of "and".
Text cohesion: This is a good website to read about sentence connectors. 

This will be useful when we write about composition subsequently in P2.

Avoid redundancy. 
- Visual Imaginery Vs Uncouth Language /Gross Imaginery

- Tenses should be consistent, be aware of context.
- Upper Pri should usually be past tense, not past continuous tense.

**Common errors**
Take --- away  (take it away)
Bring -- bring it back  (bring it back to me)
Fetch  -- 2 ways
Find -- past tense is found. Finding something should be "looking for something". I do not find my wallet. I found my lost wallet. I am trying to locate my wallet because I have lost it.

Calling vs Asking
Call for an ambulance (instead of call an ambulance, it should be call for an ambulance)

- red colour (should be red in colour)
- take medication (we don't eat medication)

- Run-on sentences (There must be full stops)
- Paragraphing for dialogue.  (If unsure about dialogue, don't use it. Keep dialogue to a minimal.)
- No one-sentence paragraphs (don't use it unless there is a strong impact)

- Spacing in between words. Redo it.
- Size / height of letters formed.
- Forming punctuation marks clearly.
- Accurate formation V Perfection

13 Feb Updates

Things for update: 

1) Wednesday 15/February : They are taking photographs for their ez-link card this Wednesday. Please come to school in school uniform.

2) Walk-a-jog cards: Half the class has not given back the cards. Please bring back these cards back as soon as possible.

Mdm Chan

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Read Walking through the Jungle

Things to do today:

1) Read through the book again: Walking Through the Jungle
A page will be taken from this book for next week's Dictation.
The hard copy will be given once I have received the hard copy.

The song: (for singing and revising. Do note the later part of the song is different. Please refer to the first link for the actual book.)

2) Spelling -- Please sign and complete the necessary corrections.

3) EL notebook -- to complete for those who have not.

4) I have assigned books for reading online. Do enjoy reading. :)

Mdm Chan

Friday, February 3, 2017

Announcement 3 February

Dear all,

1) Maths file will be returned today. Please check, complete the corrections, and sign on the Pg 1 of Chapter 1 -- Numbers to 10.

2) I have also assigned books to be read. Please read during your free time.

3) Revise and study for Spelling 3.

4) Art homework: to decorate the tangrams in their art sketch book. 

Have a great weekend.

Mdm Chan

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2nd February announcements


1) Dictation 2 list has been out.
Pls check over here. This is held together with Spelling 3 this coming Monday.

2) There is a notification asking for your confirmation of those details. I'll be passing to them. Please sign and return as soon as possible.

3) Books assigned on Scholastic. Please do read when you are free.

Mdm Chan